
Karen Lacey


- MSc Medical Visualisation & Human Anatomy (2023)

BSc. (Hons) Sports & Injury Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy

- 14 Years Clinical Experience

- 2 Years in Chiropractic & Spinal Rehabilitation Clinic

- 11 Years in Orthopaedic & Sports Injury Clinic

- Intensive Human Body Dissection

- International Teaching Experience (Anatomy in Motion)

- Tutor in Anatomy & Physiology

- Specialising in Human Anatomy & Biomechanics

- Inter-county & International Sports Team Therapist

how do i work?

Getting to the root cause of your pain, means getting to know you and HOW you got to where you are now….

This process starts with an IN-DEPTH look at your

  • Physical Injury History

  • Medical History

….and a look at EMOTIONAL history, for those who are willing to explore that space.


After taking a full medical and injury history, you will then receive a series of physical assessments to get a thorough understanding as to why you are in pain.

Initial Consultation (45 minutes)

Follow-Up Treatment (45 minutes)

I look for honest true movement and watch how each joint in the body interacts during a footstep.


Karen is skilled in a number of treatment styles and often times you will receive a combined approach of techniques to resolve your current symptoms or presenting condition.


Anatomy in Motion (AiM™)
Anatomy in Motion is a form of advanced gait analysis.

It is possible to determine what each joint in the body is doing in all three dimensions (3D) at a particular moment in time. All joints in the body move in sync with each other but they somehow lose their way over the years - generally due to a knock or fall, injury/trauma. This is why I like to get a thorough understanding of your specific history, as the cause of YOUR back pain for example will be different to that of the next person. Regardless of your discomfort, my goal while working with you is to teach your body to find centre by following the map of the Flow Motion Model. The Flow Motion Model™ is a map of the moving human body and the journey your body takes through the gait (walking) cycle.

It is a fantastic tool, against which, I can reference both your standing posture and your current movement ability and compare this against what your body could be doing when freely moving as you walk. During movement (both fundamental and sporting activities), the joints, ligaments and muscles in your body have a role to play and everything is dependent on all other parts being capable of doing their job to function optimally. By encouraging your body to find centre through specific movement is allows your nervous system to find balance and an environment for your healing to take place.

Cranial Treatment

Cranial Integration is a form of bodywork that integrates the cranium (skull) with the rest of the body, using gentle touch to manipulate the joints and tissues surrounding the skull and synchronise this with movement and function elsewhere in the body.
Cranial treatment can be a very useful method in such cases as head injury, concussion, dental work (extractions/braces), corrective eye surgery, assisted births (forceps/suction), nose breaks.

Neurokinetic Therapy

NeuroKinetic Therapy is a sophisticated form of manual therapy that combines motor control and manual muscle testing.

Very simply, it allows me to test the way in which your nervous system controls movement and patterns of muscle recruitment. Manual muscle testing enables me to identify muscles whose function is reduced in relation to other muscles.

Acupuncture / Dry Needling

Acupuncture is a complementary medical practice rooted in traditional Chinese medicine that entails stimulating certain points on the body, through the insertion of a needle penetrating the skin - to alleviate pain and help treat various health conditions.

Dry Needling is similar in that a needle is inserted into the skin. However, the insertion site is into a “trigger point” location within a muscle with the goal of addressing/improving muscle tension, range of motion and pain control.

Karen’s passionate and intuitive approach to therapy is simply incredible.
— Mary C.